Activity over: A one act play

Dr Tahrirul Qadir seated in his bullet-proof package and discussing to a big audience in Islamabad. It’s the third day of his move. As he talks, an assistance of his whispers something in his ear: ‘Sir jee, I just observed, Imran Khan has made the choice not to take aspect in the lengthy goal …’

Dr Tahrir gets thrilled and brings his arms in the air: ‘Mubarak ho! Mubarak ho! I have very best aspect about it …’
newspaper of gilgit

The assistance understands that Dr Tahrir has not recognized his message: ‘Sir, Tsunami Sahib has made the choice NOT to be a aspect of you.’

‘Really?’ Says Dr Tahrir, his arms now trapped and still in the air. The audience stays for him to provide them the best aspect about it.

‘What about the Superior Court?’ He whispers to his assistance. ‘Any choice by it against the govt today?’

‘No, sir,’ the assistance responses.

‘What about MQM?’ Dr Tahrir requests. ‘Any factor they have said that I can use?’

‘Sir, MQM has sent another 20 variety of orange.’

‘That’s it?’

‘They’ve guaranteed to deliver another 20 variety of the next day …’

‘I do not care how many variety of …’ Dr Tahrir eyelash returning, his arms still in the air. ‘Give me something to tell the audience. Now!’

‘Sir, the orange are brought in. Very delicious.’

Dr Tahrir grumbles and changes to the crowd: ‘Mubarak! Mubarak! I have very best aspect about it. Oranges! Perfect, favourable, brought in … Oh for skies sake!’ He changes to the assistance again. ‘Give me something, or I’ll flame your sorry backside!’

The assistance gulps. Looks concerned. Calls a variety on his mobile cellphone, his arms trembling.

‘Come on, come on, come on …’ Dr Tahrir clenches his fists, and crushes his tooth.

‘Sir!’ The assistance says. ‘The army!’

‘Yes, yes, what about the army?’ Dr Tahrir requests happily. ‘Is it on the way? Has it taken over? Tell me, tell me …’

‘No, sir, but it can.’ The assistance responses.

‘What do you mean it can?’

‘Well, sir, you know, the military can take over …’


‘Well, sir, these days, the next day, the next season, two decades, 20 decades, 50 …’

‘What the terrible are you discussing about?’ Dr Tahrir half-shouts at the assistance. ‘Call Altaf Bhai!’

‘Sir, I did. He was in a conference with the govt.’

‘With the government? Why?’

‘Sir, because his celebration is aspect of the govt.’

‘I dislike oranges!’ Dr Tahrir jams a fists on the desk.

‘Yes, sir.’

‘No, contact him and tell him that.’

‘Yes, sir. I will. What else?’

‘I have to say something to the audience. Call the meteorological division. Ask them if it’ll rainfall these days.’

As the assistance dials on his mobile cellphone, Dr Tahrir changes to the crowd: ‘So, yes, Mubarak ho, Mubarak ho! Grapefruits. Big, fat, luscious orange. And the military. Yes, our excellent, loyal, democratic military. Nowadays, the next day, two decades, 20, 50 … ‘

He prevents and whispers to his aide: ‘What are they saying? Will it rainfall today?’

‘Sir, they are saying there is about 30 % possibility of mild rainfall …’

Dr Tahrir at once changes to the audience again: ‘Yes, as I was saying. Excellent information. Grapefruits, military these days, the next day, 20 decades, 50 decades, and rain! Did you listen to that, people? Rain! 30 % chance!’

The audience does not react.

The assistance turns and whispers into Dr Tahrir’s ear again: ‘Sir, Primary Rights says he will explore the Primary Minister’s situation …’

‘But we already declared that last night. I want to declare something new these days.’

‘Sir, Superior Judge can purchase the cops to cops arrest the Chief executive.’

‘Really? Today?’

‘Sir, these days, the next day, in two decades, 20, 50 …’

‘You idiot!’ Dr Tahrir eyelash returning. ‘I think I’ve been taken for a drive …’ He says to himself, trembling his go.

And just as he is about to put down his arms, the assistance happily gets on and off his mobile cellphone, and is in Dr Tahrir’s ear again: ‘Sir, sir, excellent news!’

‘What? What?’

‘Sir, MuQ has made the choice to be a aspect of the rally!’


‘Sir, MuQ has made the choice to be a aspect of us!’

‘You idiot! MuQ is MY OWN party!’

‘Oh. That is real. Hee hee. Sorry.’

‘Will someone get this fool out of here!’ Dr Tahrir yells, disgustingly. ‘Get me a new whisperer!’

A new assistance arrives: ‘Sir, very best aspect about it.’

‘What? Tell me, tell me is Tsunami arriving, Altaf Bhai discussing, aquariums moving, CJP thundering, what?’

‘Errm … no, sir. But rainfall arriving.’

‘But I already know that, ridiculous man.’

‘No, sir. Now 60 % opportunity.’

‘Blasted!’ Dr Tahrir brings returning his go. His cap drops. A singing disturbance reduces across the crowd: ‘Mubarak ho! Mubarak ho …!’

The assistance, now clutching a mobile cellphone, interferes with.

‘What? Has the govt been dismissed? ‘ Dr Tahrir requests him.

‘No, sir. It’s for you.’ Says the assistance, providing the cellphone to Dr Tahrir.

‘Hello ..’

‘Game over. (Click)’.

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